Date: November 24th, 2010
Time: 11:44 am
Currently listening to: "Enter Sandman"- Metallica
So yesterday was a fantastic, terrific, mind blowing, remarkable, sensational, awesome, best day ever.
That's right folks: There is a God.
I woke up at 8:45 just to log onto my account and find the PLU website. First thing I noticed? UNIVERSITY IS CLOSED TODAY. I screamed at the top of my lungs and woke up my roommate who went back to sleep right after I told her. Then I ran down two flights of stairs to wake up my friend Maddie. I was so excited. After I went to Maddie's I went back to my room. Then, my first order of business? I went back to bed and slept like the dead.
After me and my roommate woke up, which was around 11:30, me, her, and a couple of my close friends trudged to Walgreen's to pick up some of the necessities. Christmas decorations. My mother already sent us lights and window stick-ums but we knew that wasn't enough.
We bought shatterproof ornaments (which are huge, colorful, and so glittery it looked like Ke$ha threw up on them) and a light up Mickey Mouse snowman. We are also completed with our Christmas window but not quite.
Then a couple of my friends came back to my room and we watched Double Rainbow, The Bed Intruder Song, and multiple kitty videos on YouTube. Then we googled the Queen of England and commented how scary looking she is and her smile reminds us of the Cheshire Cat.
But, the whole conservation for the day was: "do you think they'll cancel tomorrow?" "I don't know probably not. I hope they do. I wanna go home." I saw my whole floor leave to go home to visit their families and I wished I could leave with them.
Then around 4 or 5 my friend Lindsey, came streaming into the room, screaming that school was canceled Wednesday and that I could go home. I immediately dialed my friend whose brother was taking us home. She said he might not be up for it. But I was willing to beg, bribe, and whatever I had to do. I wanted to go home!
Then we went to dinner and met her brother. He said he would be happy to drive tonight. I was ecstatic. I was going to surprise my parents (who were thinking I was coming home the following day). My friend said we only had 45 minutes to pack. So I took one last bite of my dinner ran all the way to my room and told my roommate to hurry up! We only have 45 minutes to pack! We're leaving tonight!
And then, to wrap up this story. I'm home now. And the house already smells like the holidays. My roommate (who is from China) is home with me and is experiencing Thanksgiving and Christmas for the first time. I hope everyone has a safe and great Thanksgiving. I know I will.
"Turkey: A large bird whose flesh, when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude" - Ambrose Bierce
Life is a riddle; unfortunately the answer's not written on the back of anything.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful....
Date: November 23, 2010
“Nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, "I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that's tough. I am going to snow anyway."” - Maya Angelou
Time 12:14 am
Currently listening to: "Bad Romance"- Lady Gaga
So in the first time in a gazillion years, it snowed. Yes. Snow in the Pacific Northwest. You don't hear that sentence so much. My first college snow.... Ahhhh I can already feel the nostalgia.
I really love the snow. It's pretty relaxing and fun to watch. All I want to do is shut off the lights and curl up with a good book and watch the snow fall.
But then the whole university has to ruin the fun.
This is one of the reasons I hate college.
Here at Pacific Lutheran University. They don't shut down every thing like they did back home. If I was home right now. I could sleep easily knowing that school was probably canceled the following morning. I mean one flake and BAM no school, like magic!
But now? NO WAY.
I have a psychology test tomorrow and I really don't wanna take it. It's weighing me down, man! I want to go on a walk with my iPod and take in all the beauty that's surrounding me. I wanna catch snowflakes on my tongue and not have a care in the world.
Please pray that it snows again tonight. And my professor lives very far away.
“Nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, "I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that's tough. I am going to snow anyway."” - Maya Angelou
Friday, November 19, 2010
"You sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."
Date: November 19,2010
Time: 9:54 pm
Currently listening to: "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived"- Weezer
Last night I witnessed history. Part One of the Harry Potter movie finale. And I have to admit, it was the one of the best movie experiences I have yet to encounter. It was my first time getting all dressed up like the HP nerd (Slytherin shirt, school girl skirt, and platinum blonde wig to top it off) and my first time seeing any of the HP movies at the midnight showing. Was I stoked? Was I giddy like a teenager in love? Was it worth only getting 3 hours of sleep last night?
You betcha.
Harry Potter 7, in my opinion, was the best movie in all of the series. The acting was good and the effects were incredible. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole entire time. It was awesome. The ending was a good. They didn't end it at an awkward part but it definitely left you wanting more.
It feels weird that HP is coming to end. I mean the first one came out when I was 9. Now it's almost 10 years later. It'll be weird for awhile going to the movies and not anticipating Daniel Radcliffe yelling at the top of his lungs while a white light comes out of his wand in the beginning of the trailer. I mean it kind of hit me when the books were done but now Harry Potter is OVER. I mean... Am I the only person that thinks that this is weird?
Anyways, whether you've read the books or not, GO SEE THE MOVIE. It's completely worth it.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - Albus Dumbledore
Saturday, November 13, 2010
"Hmm, difficult. VERY difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent, oh yes. And a thirst to prove yourself."
Date: November 13, 2010
Time: 11:03 pm
Currently listening to: My friends.
Harry Potter. One of the greatest books to be created in my generation. JK Rowling's books have opened our eyes to a whole new world following Harry Potter and his friends. I am a big fan of these books (although not my all time favorite, they are high on the list) and the movies. So, of course, I jumped on the chance to go to a Harry Potter exhibit in Seattle.
Getting to Seattle from Parkland was an adventure. None of my friends have cars so we had to ride the bus. Me and my friends were probably the only white people there (besides one guy that threw us a gang sign when he left). Three transfers and a hour and forty five minutes later we finally made it to the Pacific Science Center. Waiting in front of the line, I became like a little kid outside the candy store. I couldn't wait. Finally me and my friends went in the exhibit by entering into a corridor. A woman with a fake British accent told us the rules and I got the chance to be sorted (yes, I was the only college kid). I got into Gryffindor but we all know I truly belong in Hufflepuff.
During the exhibit my jaw dropped a number of times. The costumes were amazing. I saw Hermione's dress from the Yule Ball (she's so tiny!), Ron's trunk, and a number of Daniel Radcliffe's costumes from the movies. There were plenty of props from the movies like the Sorcerer's Stone, the Marauder's Map, and the envelope from the Albus Dumbledore himself. I personally enjoyed the Quidditch robes and all the memorabilia. My favorite part was when I saw the flyers from The Prisoner Azkaban there was 'blah blah blah blah blah' in small print on the very bottom. I absolutely loved the exhibit. If you're in the Seattle area anytime soon. I suggest you go.
"Curiosity is not a sin.... But we should exercise caution with our curiosity... yes, indeed."- Albus Dumbledore.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Tonight is alive with the promise of a street-fight
Date: November 12, 2010
Time: 7:02
Currently listening to: "Coffeeshop Soundtrack" - All Time Low (bahaha I'm such a scene kid!)
I was watching Harry Potter 6 with my girls last night and when they were playing Quidditch I was like 'My brother would so be a Keeper.' (he's a goalie in lacrosse). I wish my life was Harry Potter. Or something like that. I would love to be able to cast spells and go to like a school like Hogwarts... I mean. C'mon. Who wasn't disappointed when they didn't get their letter with the emerald ink from Professor McGonagall on their eleventh birthday?
I don't have anything else to write about. Today's been a boring day. TGIF.
Tomorrow should be better! The girls and I are going to a Harry Potter exhibit tomorrow night in Seattle (Wheeeeeeee!) In case you haven't noticed, yes, I am a 'Potter-phile' thank you very much.
"One can never have enough socks. Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn’t get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books." - Albus Dumbledore
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sometimes I lay under the moon and thank God I'm breathing.
Date: November 10, 2010
Time: 9:06 pm
Currently listening to: "One Day"- Matisyahu
One of my classes ended today. It was really weird. The class itself was really pointless but I am truly going to miss the people in that class. We all became this big family kind of group... thing. It was awesome. We wouldn't call it 'discussion' we would call it 'structured chilling'. We say 'hi' to each other when we see each other on campus and sometimes actually strike up a conversation. They were all there for me when I had a roommate issue and backed me up 100%. When class ended almost all of us were like 'awwww. I'm going to miss this.'
During this class, I got to reconnect with a old friend that I basically haven't talked to since we were in elementary school together. She posted a picture on her final presentation of me and her at her ninth birthday party. I was honestly really scared that it was going to be a bad picture (because let's face it. We were all 'the fat kid') but when I saw it I was honestly touched that she put it in there. We sat next to each other every day and I'm honestly going to miss it. I had a blast talking with her. About people that we both knew. About our boyfriends. About her tree frogs (haha). And about the good old days.
It's amazing how people can come back into our lives without warning.
I love college.
"It takes a long time to grow an old friend." - John Leonard
Let's Get Together And Feel Alright.
Date: November 10, 2010
Time: 12:36 am
Currently listening to: My roommate sleeping
What is with me and dropping things? Two days ago I spilled Passion Tea all over my bed and my zebra print comforter (I know, ironic) and now I just spilled my whole entire bottle of my perfume (Aquolina's Pink Sugar) all over the floor. I'm really tempted now to buy a new bottle off the Internet..... I don't think I can last till Christmas.
Anyways. My day. I HULK SMASHED THE PSYCHOLOGY TEST. Well, maybe not really. But I think I did a lot better than the last time. I was up until 12:3o last night studying for the damn thing, karma should be on my side.
Other than that today's been a regular ordinary day. Nothing exciting happened. Rained all day (thank you Pacific Northwest) and my friend's (ex)roommate moved onto my floor. Should be slightly awkward but oh well. Awkwardness follows me like stink on a skunk.
Glee finally came back on! I thought tonight's episode was pretty good considering the last one was horrible (I mean Rocky Horror... Really?) I'm really glad to see that Puck is back and it was one of the few episodes that wasn't all about Rachel and Finn. I'm really glad they decided to follow Artie, Puck and Kurt (also Artie and Puck doing a duet covering One Love? Heaven to my ears.)
Alright I think I'm keeping my roommate up with all this typing. Unlike me, she has to wake up in seven hours. Poor thing. I think I'll leave her alone. Nighty nite.
“The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow." - Bob Marley
Monday, November 8, 2010
No, We're Never Gonna Survive.
Date: November 8, 2010
Time: 10:53 pm
Currently listening to: "Crazy"- Alanis Morissette
It's almost 11:00. On a Monday. My test is tomorrow. I've only completed 1 out of 3 chapters. Can you spelled 'screwed'? I can. E-M-I-L-Y.
I'm here in one of PLU's state of the art study rooms in the library with my one of my best friends Brittany. I try to focus but the graffiti like, for example, "I'm in love with a stripper" and "Make love to the best you'll ever know-if you can actually find it!" pull me away. My personal favorite is "I LOVE A GIRL NAMED EMILY! there's no one in this world like Emily!"
Okkkkay break over. These posts are pretty short. I'm sorry. Longer one... Tomorrow. Maybe.
"A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."- Gandalf
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Whoever said "Sunday is the day of rest" obviously never went to college
Date: November 7, 2010
Time: 6:00 pm
Currently listening to: "Only Girl In The World" -Rhianna
This week has sucked so much. So much to do. So little time. Not only do I have a presentation due tomorrow I also have to study three chapters for my dreaded psychology test that I really can't afford to fail. Ohhhh mannn.... I can already feel the anxiety attack.
This weekend was interesting. Family came up for Parent's Weekend. Went to downtown Tacoma and went out to dinner (parents paid for EVERYTHING). It was nice to see them again and joke around. Counting the days until I go home for Thanksgiving.
Okay. Done procrastinating. Sorry for the short post but I gotta study like the good student I am.
... Is anyone else mind blown from daylight savings? I mean, a full hour of sleep? That's like saying that Christmas is coming early to a four year old.
"You can lead a boy to college, but you can’t make him think." - Elbert Hubbard.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Baby don't hurt me no more.
Date: November 4, 2010
Why are people desperate for it?
Time: 3:10 pm
Currently listening to: All My Loving- The Beatles
Two of my best friends that I've met since I've been here recently got together (Yes, it's a boy and a girl). And I'll admit it I was I thought it was a joke at first. I mean I thought they were just friends. That... text.... a lot. Anyways it's got me thinking... Not to be cheesy or predictable but...
What is love?
Why are people afraid of it?
Why are people desperate for it?
How do you know that person is the one? Do you wake up one morning and all of a sudden it hits you like a semi truck?
Okay I should probably admit something. I have a boyfriend. We've been going out for two years. I told him I loved him when we were going out for only six short months. I agree it's an amazing feeling but... How do you know? There's no test. No symptoms. I look at my boyfriend and can't picture myself with anyone else but I'm talking about the ones who have had their heart broken. How do you move on? How do you learn to love again? How can you look at someone new and not think of your first love?
Okay sorry for the somberness but I am really truly happy for my friends. Witty/bitter sarcastic Emily will come back tomorrow. Pinky promise.
"Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning."- Anonymous
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Step One
Date: November 3, 2010
Time: 3:12 pm
Currently listening to: "The Drumming Song"- Florence + The Machine
One of my professors told me "I needed a creative outlet". So I resurrected this blog from the murky grave and decided "why the hell not?" I don't think anyone will read it besides my family, some friends, and the cat but what the hell ever.
So hello you nameless readers (and Mr. Whiskers),
My name is Emily. I'm eighteen and currently a freshman at Pacific Lutheran University which is nestled in the delightful town of Parkland, Washington.
I don't identify myself as a writer. Just a person who is good with words. I enjoy food, looking at photography, reading the classics, ranting, and long walks on the beach. No really.
I am a native to the Pacific Northwest but East Coast raised. So by default I am bitterly sarcastic and have no emotion whatsoever. I am a big indie music person. The Beatles, Florence + The Machine, and We Are Scientists are scattered in my iTunes library.
As an intended English major (go figure) I read a lot. My all time favorite book is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. It's one of those books that kids should read in the classroom but no one gives the credit it deserves. My current fave? Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. It's amazing piece of literature. Go read it.
This blog will contain my daily adventures of being a college student. Not that exciting but there's really nothing much else going on. Some days there will be a lot of things. Some days there won't. But isn't that how life works?
"The only greatness for man is immortality." - James Dean.
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